Traveling Chalice for VocationsThe first full week in November is annually celebrated as National Vocation Awareness Week in the United States. This week is dedicated to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations.
Beginning on November 5, 2017, St. Susanna would like to demonstrate our prayerful support for vocations by initiating the "Traveling Chalice." This encased chalice will be available on a rotating schedule to one household each week. In taking the chalice, you commit yourselves not only to pray for future vocations, but also to offer prayers in thanksgiving for all men and women who have dedicated their lives in service to the Church. |
Everyone is invited to participate in this program. There will be a sign-up sheet available in the back of the church. We encourage you to sign up for one of the weeks and then attend your designated Mass to receive the "Traveling Chalice." Place it in the center of your family dining table or a place of prominence in your home.
How it will work:
Each weekend, a family, couple or individual will be called forward after the closing prayer of the Mass. Father will present them with the "Traveling Chalice" and prayer for vocations and the recipient(s) will return to their pew.
It will be the responsibility of the participating household to return the "Traveling Chalice" to the sacristy prior to the Saturday evening Mass. It is very important that the "Traveling Chalice" is returned on time so that the next participants will be able to receive it on schedule.
For more information, contact the Parish Office.