Parish Pastoral Council
The purpose and function of the Parish Pastoral Council is to discern the needs of the parish and to serve as a consultative body to the Pastor. The council assists the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council is assisted by four commissions: Finance, Faith Formation, School, and Safety and Security. Each commission has its own by-laws, organizational rules, and various outreach ministries which complement Parish Pastoral Council activities. Each of the commission chairpersons are voting members of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Finance Commission
The Finance Commission serves as a consultative body to the pastor
regarding fiscal matters of the Parish. This commission assists the
Pastor in setting the annual parish budget and monitoring the parish income and
expenses throughout the year. It examines, annually, the parish financial
records and reports the financial status of the parish (which includes the
school) to the parishioners. The
Finance commission is made up of professional men and women of the parish,
including accountants, engineers, and other business professionals, who have
experience and knowledge of accounting, finance, and general business concepts.
Faith Formation Commission
The Faith Formation Commission is a consultative body made up of Saint Susanna Parishioners who help support the Pastor and the Parish's Faith Formation Office. The commission works to achieve the Archdiocese's and parish's goals for the on-going, life- long faith formation of the parishioners of St. Susanna Church. The commission provides input and assistance to the Faith Formation Office through active engagement in Faith Formation Activities, seeking feedback from parishioners in these programs, and organizing a biennial Parish Mission.
School Commission
The School Commission cooperates with the Pastor and the Principal in developing the philosophy, goals, and objectives of the school and formulating policies enabling the attainment of these goals. The School Commission strives to promote the best possible educational conditions for all age levels and all programs that are contained within the school.
Safety and Security Commission
St. Susanna's Safety and Security Commission's mission is to coordinate emergency planning and develop safety procedures for all hazards affecting St. Susanna's Parish and School. The members perform a cumulative analysis of Parish and School safety needs. The Commission also seeks methods to improve security and emergency preparedness.